N头条>英语词典>clamp down翻译和用法

clamp down

英 [klæmp daʊn]

美 [klæmp daʊn]

取缔; 压制; 管制; 镇压


  • PHRASAL VERB 取缔;压制;管制;镇压
    Toclamp down onpeople or activities means to take strong official action to stop or control them.
    1. If the government clamps down on the protestors, that will only serve to strengthen them in the long run...
    2. Banking regulators failed to clamp down until earlier this month.



  • repress or suppress (something regarded as undesirable)
    1. The police clamped down on illegal drugs
    Synonym:crack down


  • Fears that China might clamp down on bank lending prompted a sell-off in the previous session.
  • Mr Najib and his party must resist the temptation to polarise the country or to clamp down on its freedoms in the cause of narrow political interests.
  • There's been a major clamp down on illegal aliens marrying for residency status.
  • Tough rules to clamp down on the use of privately-traded derivatives and speculation in shares have been unveiled by the European Commission in a bid to tame what it has called the "wild west" of financial markets.
  • Concern that the investment boom is out of control has forced the government to clamp down on new projects.
  • This leaves us precisely where we started, with France and Germany tilting misguidedly at hedge funds while the UK and the US fear to clamp down on large banks in case they move from New York to London ( or vice-versa) or locate themselves offshore.
  • If the government clamps down on the protestors, that will only serve to strengthen them in the long run
  • France, Germany and the UK at least agree on one thing: the need to clamp down on bankers 'pay.
  • When the President's position was threatened, he issued an order to clamp down on all anti-government activities.
  • The Government announced that it was going to clamp down on people who avoided paying their television licence fees.